Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You're All Idiots

Craig's right. We're all idiots; any other way you choose to look at this would just be wrong. How else do you explain the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, Britney Spears, The NOW Cds, Daughtry, U2, Kelly Clarkson? Crap all of it. Has music or musical taste always been this bad? Growing up I can remember my 'sister' listening to jokes such as MC Hammer and NKOTB, and I'm sure there was a bit more crap floating around those days. Going back further I'm not going to touch the 70s and 80s, and corporate boy bands have always existed or at least as early as The Monkees, but lately it seems to be coming at exponential rates. I get a chill up my spine when even considering where we might be without the Internet giving life to independent labels. Without it would we be forced, even more so, to consume the likes of American Idols, Light Rock, and Disney Channel chastity rock? This is a problem, I can't just be imagining things.

The questions keep coming. Who's responsible for this? Is censorship winning? Illegal downloads: helping or hurting? Pearl Jam at Target? Wilco teaming up with the Chicago Blackhawks? Starbuck's Cds? Super Bowl Halftimes?

Okay I realize the last paragraph or so may have been a little if not completely confusing, but my question is simple: Is music decomposing in front of us? If so, whose fault is it and how can it be stopped?


  1. Dude, this is nothing new. Music is not decomposing in front of us, people are indeed idiots and really enjoy mindless, pre-packaged pop.

    Its the same with mindless TV soap operas and reality shows (you can relate to that one!). Its entertainment that requires no thought. Real art makes you think....and most people don't like that.

    Hey, isn't that guy the cat from the Sex Pistols?

  2. It's a scary thought, and I think it has always been there, but I do feel that it is increasing exponentially. Everything is recycled, remixed (and not well), and just generally accepted. There are more horrible acts riding a cute face or a catchy tune as an excuse to produce music that can just get by. Artists are resting and relying on what can get them by rather than what can make a difference or send a message. It will be the end of us. Hah.
