Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Indie Music Videos

As we all know there are a lot of great bands out there that don't get the recognition they deserve. Hence, the creation of Claptrapped. (OD you love the name) But there is also a TON of indie music videos that never see the light of day. One of my contributions will be to post some of those videos every once in awhile.

I am going to start with one of my all time weird favorite music videos by a band I have grown to really like in the last year. Try not to have nightmares after watching this one.

Animal Collective - Peace Bone


  1. Gosh. That video reminds me of the horrid Ryan Adams catastrophe for
    "So Alive" off of Rock and Roll.

    Try not to vom:


  2. me: ok
    here is a comment for ya
    what does that terrible ryan adams song and video have to do with the one i posted at all
    Kurt: it's an awful indy video
    me: ok peacebone is good
    that video is crap
    Kurt: total crap
    Sent at 4:18 PM on Wednesday
    Kurt: i don't think the peacebone video is good
    me: you are nuts
    that video is great
    Kurt: hey now
    me: so fucked up and so original
    that ryan adams vid is like standard gay dude singing into the camera
    now i might go post all this on the blog

  3. Hilarious.

    Welcome Kurt!

    That's a pretty crazy video, but I'm not all that surprised -- Animal Collective is out there.

    Looking forward to some of the crazy shit they pull off at Pitchfork.

  4. Oh, and I'm warming up to the blog name.

  5. that's a touch creepy...

  6. Here's another sweet indie vid.

    No Age.
